We believe that we have everything that we need to cope with our challenges and live in harmony with our environment. While our challenges have drastically evolved into more complex systems we still lock ourselves into a cage of an old simplified narrative of who we are and how we want to lead. We urgently need a shift in perspective to become aware of the whole picture, reach a higher level of understanding of ourselves and our environment to unlock our full potential.
Human Potential
We believe that the way we lead today is limiting our potential as human beings in several dimensions. By simplifying the complexity and the ambiguity of the world we are far less creative and productive than we could. By neglecting the complexity of our own needs and psyche, we do not reach the fulfillment and happiness level we could. And by denying how interlinked we are with our environment we risk destroying the foundation of our future.
By Sprouting
The process of sprouting is to seed and to support growth in an early stage. We want to seed an idea, approach, or inspiration, and we want to support it to grow into a healthy culture, organization, and leadership philosophy. Still, we do not plant a “fully grown tree”, it develops itself independently and with its own strong identity. Sprouting includes the idea of a ripple effect, a chain reaction. Once a seed is sown, it can sprout out itself and multiply the impact.
A New Belief in Leadership
The mechanisms of leadership, how we used to know it, seem to become less effective in coping with the complexity of our world. As a result, we observe decreasing trust in the leadership of our governments or large cooperations. Yet, leadership is key to drive change and navigate through the challenges of the future. We need an updated narrative around leadership based on human centricity and deeper awareness of the systems we operate in.